House and Senate Cloakroom: June 4 – June 8, 2012

Josh Robbins /

House Cloakroom: June 4 – June 8, 2012

Analysis: This week the House will continue consideration of the Energy and Water Appropriations bill that was brought to the floor last week.  There are expected to be several amendments to decrease the spending in this bill and end loan guarantee programs like the one that gave over $500 million to the now defunct Solyndra.  The House will also vote on a bill that would repeal the onerous tax on medical devices that was put in place by Obamacare.

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Senate Cloakroom: June 4 – June 8, 2012

Analysis: The Senate returns from their Memorial Day recess this week and will move to the Paycheck Fairness Act.  The bill is ostensibly meant to help eliminate any discrepancy in pay between men and women, but is more likely to only increase the number of lawsuits filed against employers.  The bill is not expected to pass and will likely become a political exercise.  The Senate could also take up an extension of current student loan rates if a deal between Democrats and Republicans is reached.

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