California’s Radical Effort to Transform America’s Auto Industry: Not Your Forefathers’ Idea of Federalism

Steve Bradbury /

Gov­. Gavin New­som and his cli­mate regu­lators at the Cali­fornia Air Resources Board, or CARB, have prom­ised to phase out all gas-pow­ered cars and force automakers to sell 100% elec­tric vehicles by 2035.

CARB’s pur­pose is not really to improve local air quality in any part of Cali­fornia but rather to fight the specter of global climate change by using the coer­cive power of one big state to achieve a com­plete trans­for­ma­tion of the U.S. auto industry.

CARB has issued regu­la­tory edicts to do just that: the so-called “green­house gas emis­sion stan­dards” in CARB’s Advanced Clean Car rules and its “zero-emission vehicle sales man­date.”

CARB is able to pur­sue this trans­forma­tional agenda only because the Biden admin­istra­tion has rein­stated an extra­ordi­nary waiver of fed­eral law—a waiver avail­able to Cali­fornia and no other state.

Cali­fornia’s initial request for per­mis­sion to set its own greenhouse gas auto stan­dards was denied by the Bush admin­istra­tion in 2008, but the Obama admin­istra­tion quickly reversed that deci­sion and later granted Cali­fornia an expanded waiver for auto­motive cli­mate change rules.

In 2019, under Presi­dent Donald Trump, the fed­eral gov­ern­ment with­drew all waiver auth­or­ity for Cali­fornia’s greenhouse gas auto emis­sions rules and zero-emission vehicle man­date after con­cluding that such a waiver con­flicted with fed­eral law.

Now, in a game of politi­cal ping pong, the Biden admin­istra­tion has reversed that 2019 deci­sion.

Don’t be fooled: The special waiver Presi­dent Joe Biden has approved for Cali­fornia and the regu­la­tory war on fossil fuels and the internal com­bustion engine that California is waging by virtue of it can­not be legally defended. Nor should they be dis­missed or ignored on the grounds that they are just an example of fed­eral­ism in action. They’re not.

In the American sys­tem of dual sov­er­eignty known as fed­eral­ism, citi­zens deal with their state gov­ern­ments on matters of state and local con­cern and with the fed­eral gov­ern­ment on matters of national inter­est.

The Founders recog­nized that issues uniquely or most dir­ectly affect­ing the resi­dents of one state are best handled at the state or local level—not just for efficiency’s sake, but more importantly because the exer­cise of self-gov­ern­ment over local affairs pro­motes the vir­tue and recognizes the dig­nity of the people, and there­fore nurtures the strength of our repub­lic.

A core prin­ciple of fed­eral­ism is that all 50 states—whether large or small, densely or sparsely pop­u­lated—are equal in dig­nity and in sov­er­eignty. Each state’s repre­sen­ta­tives are free to experi­ment with differ­ent policy approaches within their own local mar­kets: Some state legis­la­tures may choose to pro­hi­bit or restrict cer­tain types of behavior, while other states may allow the same con­duct to go on with little or no regu­la­tion.

In this way, through the so-called “labora­tories of demo­cracy,” one state’s inno­va­tive policies can inspire more effec­tive gov­ern­ment solu­tions for other states or the fed­eral government while still per­mitting the residents of each state to retain the right of gov­ern­ing them­selves in matters of local inter­est.

But the virtues of true fed­eral­ism are negated when one state’s regu­la­tions over­ride the policy judgments of other states and dic­tate the mar­ket con­di­tions and options avail­able to con­sumers through­out the nation. That’s exactly what will hap­pen if the Cali­fornia waiver and CARB’s “Green Dream” car man­dates are allowed to stand.

The Cali­fornia mar­ket is so big and important that auto­makers have little choice but to pro­duce cars, pick­ups, and SUVs that com­ply with the acti­vist climate edicts issued by CARB.

This coer­cive effect is com­pounded by the fact that the federal Clean Air Act allows other states to adopt Cali­fornia’s waivered regu­la­tions for use in their own local areas where air quality is poor. More than a dozen blue states, including major states like New York, New Jer­sey, Mass­a­chu­setts, and Penn­syl­vania, have already adopted CARB’s greenhouse gas-related man­dates.

Because auto­makers need to spread their costs of pro­duction across a nation­wide mar­ket and can’t eco­nomi­cally engi­neer differ­ent fleets for differ­ent regions of the country, families in Texas, Ohio, Florida, and other red states will inevitably find their choices for new vehicles (or, rather, their lack of choices) deter­mined for them by Cali­fornia.

Make no mis­take, the revo­lu­tionary new indus­trial policy that CARB is push­ing with the com­plicity of the Biden admin­istra­tion will have cala­mi­tous effects for all Ameri­cans, not just the resi­dents of the Golden State. By coercing the auto indus­try to acceler­ate its transi­tion to elec­tric vehicle, or EV, pro­duc­tion far sooner than mar­ket demand would support, the CARB man­dates will:

Thanks to the fore­sight and genius of our Founders, America’s con­sti­tu­tional scheme of dual sov­er­eignty was designed to amelior­ate the risk that one state’s regu­la­tory over­reach would inter­fere with the free­dom and sov­er­eign auth­ority of other states and could harm the nation as a whole.

Thus, Article I, Section 8 of the Con­sti­tu­tion grants Con­gress the power to ensure the con­sistent regu­la­tion of inter­state com­merce for the bene­fit of all Americans, and the Supre­macy Clause of Article VI declares that fed­eral require­ments enacted under the auth­ority of Con­gress have pre­eminence over state law.

Con­gress exer­cised its inter­state com­merce power in the Energy Policy and Con­ser­va­tion Act of 1978, or EPCA, when it dir­ected the secre­tary of trans­por­ta­tion to estab­lish uni­form national fuel econ­omy stan­dards for all new motor vehicles sold in the U.S., and it did it again when it auth­or­ized the Environ­mental Pro­tec­tion Agency to set fed­eral limits on emis­sions of danger­ous air pollu­tants from new vehicles in the Clean Air Act.

In both EPCA and the Clean Air Act, Con­gress required that the stan­dards set by the fed­eral agencies be feasible for gas-pow­ered vehicles to achieve using exist­ing tech­nolo­gies and that they be con­sistent with main­tain­ing jobs, pros­perity, safety, free mar­kets, and the security of the Ameri­can people. In fact, EPCA expressly forbids the Department of Transportation from con­sider­ing “alterna­tive fuel” vehicles, which include elec­tric vehicles, when setting federal fuel econ­omy stan­dards.

To ensure national uni­formity in fuel econ­omy and auto emis­sions regu­la­tion, Con­gress included broad pre­emp­tion pro­visions in both statutes: EPCA pro­hibits states from adopt­ing or enforcing require­ments different from the federal requirements “relating to fuel econ­omy stan­dards,” and the Clean Air Act pro­hi­bits all state regu­la­tions “relating to the con­trol of emis­sions” for any new vehicle covered by the fed­eral limits.

The internal com­bus­tion engine auto­mobile has long been cen­tral to the free­dom, mobility, and pros­perity of the American people, and domestic auto manu­fac­turing is critical to our economic and indus­trial strength, sus­tain­ing millions of good-paying jobs. It’s there­fore not sur­prising Con­gress con­cluded that fuel econ­omy require­ments and emis­sions limits for new cars must be stan­dard­ized and care­fully formu­lated to pre­serve the full range of afford­able vehicle options Ameri­can families demand and to enable the con­tinued health and dyna­mism of the tradi­tional auto indus­try.

More­over, Con­gress wanted to ensure the stan­dards reflected the cur­rent need of the nation to con­serve energy; that they didn’t sig­nifi­cantly impair traffic safety; and that they didn’t harm the national security interests of the United States, for example, by making us more depen­dent on unre­liable for­eign sources of fuel and raw materials.

As laid out above, CARB’s greenhouse gas auto rules and zero-emission vehicle man­date con­tra­dict every one of these con­gres­sional objec­tives.

Pre­dictably, but tragically, the Biden admin­istra­tion is try­ing to under­mine Con­gress’ direc­tives in pur­suit of the Left’s pre­ferred anti-fossil fuel agenda. By execu­tive order, Biden declared “a goal that 50 percent of all new pas­senger cars and light trucks sold in 2030 be zero-emis­sion vehicles.”

Like New­som and CARB, the presi­dent is push­ing this aggres­sive goal by order­ing the Environmental Protection Agency to issue strin­gent limits on car­bon diox­ide emis­sions from new motor vehicles under the Clean Air Act and by tell­ing the Depart­ment of Trans­por­ta­tion to use its EPCA auth­ority to set simi­larly strict fuel econ­omy stan­dards.

There’s a hitch, how­ever: Con­gress never auth­or­ized the Biden policy—no statute gives any fed­eral agency the power to com­pel such a momen­tous trans­forma­tion in the auto industry. And the rules issued by the Biden EPA and DOT in fur­ther­ance of the presi­dent’s goal can­not be squared with the require­ments of EPCA and the Clean Air Act.

So, on top of attempting to final­ize its own rules, which are cur­rently being chal­lenged in fed­eral court, the Biden admin­istra­tion took the extra step of empow­ering CARB to pile on with parallel but even more dra­conian state man­dates by giving Cali­fornia back its special waiver from pre­emp­tion.

Too bad for the Biden admin­istra­tion, but the special Cali­fornia waiver and the CARB edicts issued under it are them­selves flatly incon­sistent with fed­eral law:

Con­gress decided the U.S. required uni­form fuel econ­omy and emis­sions stan­dards for new motor vehicles that achieve a balance among various interests of national importance. That choice was eminently sensible, especially given the eco­nomics of the auto industry, which drive the auto­makers to build their fleets to meet com­mon national stan­dards.

The question is whether those stan­dards will be estab­lished at the fed­eral level accord­ing to Con­gress’ direc­tives or by Cali­fornia bureau­crats in obe­di­ence to New­som’s radi­cal regu­la­tory agenda.

If left unchecked, the Cali­fornia waiver and CARB’s greenhouse gas and zero-emission vehicle man­dates—work­ing in close con­junc­tion with the rules issued by the Biden admin­istra­tion—will sweep away Con­gress’ con­sidered design for regu­lating the U.S. auto industry, with nega­tive con­se­quences for all Americans. This isn’t fed­eralism in action—it’s fed­eralism turned on its head.

The bottom line: It’s entirely con­sistent with a proper regard for fed­eralism and the rule of law to oppose vigorously the special waiver EPA has granted Cali­fornia and the over­reach­ing cli­mate man­dates CARB is pro­pound­ing under that waiver. Cali­fornia should not be allowed to push aside the policy judgments of Con­gress and impose its will on the rest of the country, especially at the cost of lives, jobs, the economy, and the law.

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