In the Green Room: Senator Lamar Alexander on the Wind Energy ‘Scam’

Lachlan Markay / Brandon Stewart /

Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN) is the ranking Republican on the Appropriations subcommittee dealing with environmental issues. He is currently working to end subsidies for wind power, an energy source that he dubs “a scam.”

“We don’t have the money” to continue the subsidies, Alexander told Heritage in our latest segment of In the Green Room. “It’s a puny amount of electricity,” he added, “and it’s destroying the environment in the name of saving the environment.”

Alexander agreed that subsidies for other energy sectors should also be eliminated, but he stressed that renewable energy gets far more taxpayer support than its competitors in the fossil fuel and nuclear energy industries.

“I think most people would be surprised to learn that Big Wind subsidies are even bigger than the subsidies that benefit oil directly,” Alexander said, echoing a point that Heritage has repeatedly stressed.

Alexander also noted the importance of “do[ing] everything we can to find more North American oil and gas.”

The interview runs about 3 minutes. Hosted by Lachlan Markay and produced by Brandon Stewart. For more videos from Heritage, subscribe to our YouTube channel.