Who Decides Your Health Care?
Marguerite Bowling /
When it comes to discussing the current health debate in this country, there are a lot of complex terms and ideas that are thrown about. But ultimately — as Heritage’s Robert Moffit and U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan explained to hundreds of Americans on a conference call this week to launch www.fixhealthcarepolicy.com — these issues boil down to a few simple questions:
- Who is going to control the flow of dollars in the health care system?
- Who is going to make decisions about where those dollars go?
- Who is going to make the key decisions about what kind of health care benefits package you have? What kind of plan you use?
“The question here is not just one of economics, but of values. Who is going to make the decisions about a sector of the economy that has so much direct, personal impact on the quality of your life,” Moffit asked callers. (more…)