House and Senate Cloakroom: September 26–September 30, 2011
Josh Robbins /
House Cloakroom: September 26 – September 30
Analysis: The House was scheduled to be in recess this week. However, given the fight over the Continuing Resolution they may have to return at the beginning of the week to vote on an amended CR from the Senate.
Major Floor Action:
- HR 2608 – Continuing Appropriations Act
Senate Cloakroom: September 26 – September 30
Analysis: The Senate was also scheduled to be in recess this week, but will return to continue work on the Continuing Resolution. The Senate will vote to take up the Continuing Resolution, as amended by Senator Reid (D-NV), late Monday afternoon. Senator Reid removed the offsets for disaster funding which were placed in the bill by the House.
Major Floor Action:
- HR 2608 – Continuing Appropriations Act