Join Rep. Ryan’s Health Care Tele-Townhall
Todd Thurman /
We have long warned about the dangers of a public health care plan, but now, the fight is heating up in Washington. Obama took part in a conference call rallying supporters for a June 6th campaign kickoff. In a dream world, Obama would want a single payer health care plan, where the government is the only option for health care coverage. President Obama, though, keeps going back to the rhetoric that we can keep our health care plan if we like it.
However, as we have pointed out, a public system would crowd out a private system where a patient has a choice on what kind of coverage he wants to have. There are some who still want you to have a choice in health care. One is Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI). He is hosting a tele-townhall on Tuesday, June 9th. Heritage has set up a Web Page where you can register your phone number so you can be on the call when Ryan will talk about his alternative to the plan that Obama is pushing.
Register for the call at Keep an eye on the site as it will be constantly updated as the debate heats up.