House and Senate Cloakroom: September 19 – September 23, 2011

Josh Robbins /

House Cloakroom: September 19 – September 23

Analysis: The two major items on the House floor this week with be the Continuing Resolution and the TRAIN Act.  The Continuing Resolution would provide funding for the government through November 18th as Congress continues work on an appropriations package for the remainder of the fiscal year.  Once work on that is completed during the middle of the week they move to the TRAIN Act which will create an interagency committee to complete cost-benefit analyses of EPA regulations.

Major Floor Action:

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Senate Cloakroom: September 19 – September 23

Analysis: This week the Senate will take up a trade bill reviving the Generalized System of Preferences, which gives tariff preferences to developing nations.  This bill is expected to be the vehicle for Trade Adjustment Assistance, a controversial program that was expanded greatly by the stimulus in early 2009.  The Senate is also expected to move on a Continuing Resolution towards the end of the week once it passes the House.

Major Floor Action:

Major Committee Action: