Studies Purporting to Show Safety of Telehealth Abortions Are Unpersuasive

Michael J. New /

Pro-life advocates suffered a policy setback last week when the Food and Drug Administration lifted existing restrictions on telemedicine abortions for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic.  

This past year, groups supporting legal abortion litigated against Trump administration FDA rules, which required that chemical abortions occur under medical supervision.

Supporters of legal abortion obtained a favorable ruling from a U.S. district court judge in July. However, in January, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Trump administration’s protective rules were constitutional and could remain in place.  

However, the Biden administration’s new FDA rules will make it possible for women to obtain chemical abortion drugs by mail and undergo chemical abortions without any in-person medical supervision. 

As such, it should come as no surprise that in recent days, supporters of legal abortion and their allies in the mainstream media are working overtime to try to make the case that telehealth abortions do not pose health risks. 

However, the evidence they provide is weak—and in some cases demonstrates that telehealth abortions actually do pose serious health risks.

The following is a summary of studies that have been cited in various mainstream media outlets.

Other research shows that the emergency room visit rate for abortion-related reasons is about 2.6%.

Additionally, the actual emergency room visit rate for the Contraception study might actually be higher than reported. That’s because the Contraception study relied on surveys and it obtained abortion outcome information for only 83% of the abortions that took place.

Good research has shown that even under proper medical supervision, chemical abortions pose significant health risks.

A 2015 Obstetrics and Gynecology study analyzed comprehensive data from California’s Medicaid program. It found that the complication rate for chemical abortions was four times greater than the complication rate for surgical abortions. 

Chemical abortions without medical supervision will pose even greater risks. Obtaining a chemical abortion during an ectopic pregnancy could be fatal for the pregnant woman. 

Additionally, a woman obtaining a chemical abortion may underestimate the gestational age of her unborn child. That could also pose health risks. At least one company offering telemed abortions acknowledges those specific risks on its website.

Overall, expanding chemical abortions has been a long-term goal for supporters of legal abortion. Recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that chemical abortions constitute about 40% of all abortions performed in the United States. 

Furthermore, as surgical abortion facilities continue to close, supporters of legal abortions have sought to make chemical abortions available remotely.

It’s tragic that the Biden administration’s FDA ignored the legitimate health risks involved with chemical abortions. That decision to allow women to obtain chemical abortions without in-person medical supervision will pose serious health risks for countless women and result in the deaths of numerous unborn children.

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