11 Cases of Defensive Gun Use That Show How Biden’s Key Picks Miss the Mark

Amy Swearer /

Joe Biden has begun naming his picks for top political positions in a Biden administration, and it is already evident that many of them are not fans of Americans’ Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

For example, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra—Biden’s choice to head the Department of Health and Human Services—has spent the past three years defending that state’s absurdly restrictive gun control laws in federal court.

Meanwhile, Dr. Vivek Murthy—chosen by Biden to return to the post of U.S. surgeon general—repeatedly has argued that gun-related violence should be reframed as a public health issue, with restrictive gun control measures imposed on law-abiding citizens to help combat it.

One aspect of public health and safety that these gun control advocates regularly fail to acknowledge, however, is just how often law-abiding citizens use their firearms to successfully defend themselves and others.

According to a 2013 report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost every major study on the issue has found that Americans use their firearms in self-defense between 500,000 and 3 million times a year. There’s good reason to believe that many of these defensive gun uses aren’t reported to police, much less make the local or national news. 

For this reason, The Daily Signal each month publishes an article highlighting some of the previous month’s many news stories on defensive gun use that you may have missed—or that might not have made it to the national spotlight in the first place. (Read accounts from 2019 and so far in 2020 here.) 

The examples below represent only a small portion of the news stories on defensive gun use that we found in November. You may explore more by using The Heritage Foundation’s interactive Defensive Gun Use Database.

No one seriously argues that devastating public health consequences don’t occur when criminals or others struggling with mental health conditions have ready access to guns. Policy steps certainly can and should be taken to remove firearms from individuals who pose a danger to themselves or others.

Many of the policies proposed or advocated by Biden’s political picks, however, fail to meaningfully address the realities underlying gun-related violence. Just as importantly, they fail to account for how firearms often are used in defense of physical safety, and how these measures hamper the ability of law-abiding citizens to protect themselves or others.

Serious constitutional concerns aside, these types of gun control laws simply aren’t necessary—indeed, they often aren’t even useful—for saving lives.

But such laws are very good at undermining the Second Amendment and making it more difficult for Americans such as those featured here to ensure their own safety.