Portland Amends City Charter to Be ‘More Inclusive of All Gender Identities’

Jake Dima /

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, a newly reelected Democrat, announced Thursday that the City Council approved removal of “feminine and masculine terms” from the Oregon city’s charter.

“The language of the documents that guide the City should reflect our community,” Wheeler wrote on Twitter. “Today, Council authorized the City Auditor to remove feminine and masculine terms from the City Charter. This important step will help make our documents more inclusive of all gender identities.” 


The language of the documents that guide the City should reflect our community. Today, Council authorized the City Auditor to remove feminine and masculine terms from the City Charter. This important step will help make our documents more inclusive of all gender identities.

— Mayor Ted Wheeler (@tedwheeler) November 13, 2020

Portland will remove the terms “he or she,” “his or her,” and “himself or herself” and replace them with gender-neutral language, according to OPB. Terms like “policewoman” and “police matron” will also be nixed from the charter, the local outlet reported.

Wheeler won reelection Nov. 3 with a lead of around 19,000 votes, according to a separate OPB report. Voters chose Wheeler on the heels of months of unrest that followed the May 25 death of George Floyd, who died after a Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck for over eight minutes, video showed.

Both Philadelphia and Tulsa, Oklahoma, nixed gendered language from their city charters this year, according to Fox News. In 2017, Oregon became the first state in the nation to allow residents to select a third sex option, X, on driver’s licenses as opposed to the typical M or F, representing male or female, Fox reported.

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