Fact Check: Media Matters Wrong on Card Check Facts
James Sherk /
Media Matters has taken it upon itself to criticize our recent video highlighting the problems with the government-imposed contracts that the misnamed Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) forces on workers and businesses. You can see the video here:
In the video Rian Wathen, formerly of United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) local 700 in Indianapolis, explains how permitting the government to impose contracts would imbalance negotiations and give unions every incentive to send the contract to the government to write. He should know. After working as the local’s Organizing Director Wathen was promoted to the Director of Collective Bargaining. He used to negotiate these contracts.
Media Matters claims that the “Heritage Foundation Video Is Full Of Falsehoods About The Employee Free Choice Act,” but they ignore both what Wathen said and the text of the bill. (more…)