Top 10 Reads: June 30, 2011

Abigail White /

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  1. Ronald Reagan, champion of freedom – Edwin Meese III
  2. Riding the Chinese tiger – Kim Holmes
  3. Call it Isolationism! – Marion Smith
  4. Marital Marshall Plan – Chuck Donovan and Kathryn Jean Lopez
  5. Obama’s Enemies List of Contractors’ Donations – Hans von Spakovsky
  6. Obama Hints at Deeper Cuts to Defense Spending – Leo Shane III
  7. Cornyn shut out of Senate hearing on new air regs that effect Texas – Dave Michaels
  8. Clarence Thomas, for the Parents – Quin Hillyer
  9. NLRB Rule Would Burden Employers with Fast-Track Union Elections – Carl Horowitz
  10. President Obama claims his regulatory review is unprecedented – James Gattuso