Live Blogging the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program: Safety Should Be a Top Priority

Dan Lips /

DIRKSEN SENATE OFFICE BUILDING – Tiffany Dunston says the opportunity scholarship has allowed her to go to college. Sen Lieberman pointed out that she was a valedictorian at arch Bishop Carroll high school. She explains that her nephew, who was on track to go to college, was killed too. She credits the scholarship for giving her a chance to go to college

Moving to questions. Sen Lieberman asks Ms Bennett about why she values the program.

Ms Bennett says that she found the assigned public school to be unacceptable: disorderly and unsafe. She says that safety is a top priority.

Sen Lieberman says that safety should be a top priority.

ED NOTE: Heritage scholars Shanea Watkins and Dan Lips have a relevant new paper out today, titled D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program: Improving Student Safety