Rep. Ilhan Omar, Liberals Accuse Trump of Killing Terrorist Soleimani as a ‘Distraction’

Peter Hasson /

Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., accused President Donald Trump of killing Iranian military leader Qasem Soleimani—a designated terrorist by the U.S. government—as a “distraction” from domestic political issues.

Other left-of-center Trump critics echoed Omar’s accusation that Trump authorized the strike on Soleimani as a “distraction.”


“It’s highly possible then timing of tonight’s attack was meant as a distraction,” MSNBC contributor Joyce Alene wrote on Twitter, adding, “Trump wants to distract you” from the impeachment issue.

So what if Trump wants war, knows this leads to war and needs the distraction?

Real question is, will those with congressional authority step in and stop him? I know I will.

— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) January 3, 2020

Why did Trump kill Soleimani now? Preventive strike? Election strategy? Impeachment distraction? I vote: ego

— Jamal Abdi (@jabdi) January 3, 2020

“Given that US response to the attack that killed an American contractor was so disproportionate and predictably provocative, today’s air strike feels like attempt to create a distraction from Impeachment and build support for Trump,” CNN commentator Karen Finney tweeted.

“You have to wonder if Friday’s jobs report is so bad that it caused Trump to launch attack on Iran’s Soleimani to distract?” CNN and Daily Beast columnist Dean Obeidallah wrote.

“I’m not saying he’s starting a war to distract, I’m only saying he’s EXACTLY the kind of monster who would,” wrote liberal author Mikel Jollett.

Let’s be absolutely clear on this: Trump ordered the assassination of Qasem Solemani to start a war with Iran and distract from his heinous undermining of our Constitution. This is a blatant attempt to further subvert the democratic process, no matter the cost to our military.

— Charlotte Clymer???? (@cmclymer) January 3, 2020

It may be a distraction from impeachment for a time but the price in blood will be high. It’s that price I worry that Trump hasn’t thought through.

— John Sweeney (@johnsweeneyroar) January 3, 2020

“Trump is starting his own war to distract from his own Impeachment. It’s the most obvious move and we all saw this coming,” United Nations Environment Goodwill Ambassador Aidan Gallagher tweeted.

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