The ‘Heritage Foundation’ Strikes Again

Conn Carroll /

The Heritage Foundation has been a longtime critic of international organizations that encroach on America’s ability to protect its own interests; the United Nations chief among them. Apparently we’ve gotten into their head.

Matthew Lee is a well established activist whose “passionate advocacy has stalled bank mergers across the nation” … not exactly an established Heritage policy goal. Since 2005 he has turned his attention to the UN and blogs about his investigations into the institution regularly at Inner City Press.

After pressing UN Headquarters on possible waste at UN TV, Lee had this exchange with the head of UN TV, Susan Farkas, on April 30 during a sit down meeting.

Farkas: Can I ask you a question? Let me ask you this straight out… You don’t get paid by The Heritage Foundation? You seem determined to throw things at the wall, I can’t help but think it’s ideological. I’m not the only one who thinks that. I’m sure you’re aware of that.

Inner City Press: I think there are two separate beats here. The Security Council, they think quite the opposite [of Inner City Press’ approach]. But with the UN, they think anything that’s critical is a right wing attack.

And for the record: no, Matthew Lee does not get paid by The Heritage Foundation. Although some in the building do watch him on sometimes.