Hillary Clinton Cheers on Pro-Impeachment Protesters

Shelby Talcott /

Former first lady Hillary Clinton on Monday tweeted her support for protesters urging President Donald Trump’s impeachment.

Clinton promoted protests by left-wing activist group Indivisible, which is holding events on Tuesday to pressure lawmakers to support impeachment. Clinton urged her followers to join the protests and “hold the president accountable.”


“In America, no one is above the law,” Clinton tweeted Monday along with a link to Indivisible’s promotion of the protests. “Join @IndivisibleTeam at events around the country this Tuesday to demand your representatives fulfill their constitutional oaths to hold the president accountable,” Clinton added.

In America, no one is above the law.

Join @IndivisibleTeam at events around the country this Tuesday to demand your representatives fulfill their constitutional oaths to hold the president accountable: https://t.co/QFm6xJNbYQ

— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) December 16, 2019

The House Judiciary Committee voted Friday to advance two articles of impeachment against Trump. The full House is expected to vote on the articles Wednesday, and the process will move to the Senate if the articles pass.

Clinton’s “dark money” group, Onward Together, has worked with Indivisible, a leading anti-Trump activist group backed by wealthy left-wing donors. Indivisible organizers on Monday morning wished “good morning only to those attending, hosting or supporting an Impeachment Eve event tomorrow!”

Clinton has expressed support for impeaching Trump in the past, tweeting Dec. 12 to “make sure your family and friends see the evidence for themselves.” She linked to a website called “trumpandimpeachment.com.” The former first lady lost the 2016 presidential election to Trump.

“The president asked a foreign power to interfere in the 2020 election for his own political gain,” according to Clinton, whose husband was impeached in 1999. “Americans deserve free and fair elections. He must be held accountable.”

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