Hoyer Breaks with Obama over Executive Order on Political Speech

Hans von Spakovsky /

We have had the first break in the Democratic cone of silence over President Obama’s proposed Executive Order that attempts to implement provisions of the failed DISCLOSE Act.  The EO would require government contractors to report all of their contributions (including the personal contributions of their employees) to candidates, as well as donations to third-party, independent organizations that engage in political speech prior to bidding on government contacts.

John Fund at the Wall Street Journal is reporting that Steny Hoyer (D-MD.), House Minority Whip and the second-ranking member of the Democratic Leadership, has parted ways with President Obama.  Hoyer told reporters that he was “not in agreement with the administration” and that he didn’t think such disclosure “ought to be a requirement.”  Hoyer echoed fears expressed by Republican members of Congress that this would bring political considerations into government contracting, saying that “The issue of contracting ought to be on the merits of the contactor’s application and bid and capabilities.”  Hoyer added that there “are some serious questions as to what implications there are if somehow we consider political contributions in the context of awarding contracts.” (more…)