And They Can’t Even Read Bills …

Ken McIntyre /

Talk about the audacity of  “nope.” 

“When parents recognize which schools are failing to educate their children,” Education Secretary Arne Duncan wrote in a guest column in The Wall Street Journal, “they will demand more effective options for their kids.”

Americans “must close the achievement gap by pursuing what works best for kids, regardless of ideology,” Duncan urged, echoing a theme of President Barack Obama’s address to the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. “In the path to a better education system, that’s the only test that really matters.”

What about the smell test? Duncan’s assertion may have sounded good to many parents, but as we’ve already noted, it came only two weeks after he delivered bad news to 200 low-income families in Washington, D.C.:  The Obama administration was taking back $7,500 scholarships that gave children in those families a way out of failing public schools. (more…)