Catch Co-Authors of ‘Why Obamacare is Wrong for America’ On BookTV

Josh Shepherd /

As has been well documented, Obamacare is destructive to Americans on several fronts: economically, medically, Constitutionally, ethically, and otherwise. This government takeover of America’s health care system (mislabeled as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, or PPACA) must be stopped. And therein may lie the one positive side effect of this misguided law: it unites Americans as never before, in an effort to reverse Obamacare as quickly as possible.

Nowhere is such determined collaboration seen more clearly than in the new book Why Obamacare is Wrong for America, written by four of today’s leading health policy experts and published by Broadside Books (an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers). This weekend, the four co-authors—Grace-Marie Turner of the Galen Institute, Jim Capretta of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, Tom Miller of American Enterprise Institute, and Heritage’s Bob Moffit—appear together on BookTV to reveal the “lowlights” of their in-depth Obamacare analysis and share what real health care reform could look like moving forward. Their book forum presentation airs on C-SPAN2’s BookTV on Saturday, April 9, at 8:30 pm ET, and again on Sunday, April 10, at 2 pm ET. (more…)