Don’t Jump to Nuclear Conclusions In Tsunami’s Wake

Jack Spencer /


Today an earthquake of magnitude 8.9 hit just off the northeast coast of Japan, claiming the lives of hundreds or more and severely disrupting the nation’s airports and transit systems. The earthquake generated a 10-meter tsunami that overwhelmed the cities and land in its path, leaving sheer destruction in its wake. As the world watches Japan deal with the devastation, our hearts go out to everyone touched by this disaster in Japan and across the Pacific. Reports coming from Japan say the quake caused millions of people to evacuate buildings, and the government ordered people near several of the country’s nuclear power plants to leave. Concerns about a radiation leak at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi No. 1 reactor, one of Japan’s 11 nuclear reactors, led to the precautionary evacuation. The biggest concern is that the electricity shortage at the plant is making it difficult for crews to operate the plant’s reactor cooling system quickly. (more…)