Are Teachers Unions to Blame for Housing Bubble?

Conn Carroll /

CATO’s Timothy Lee makes a great connection between the absence of school choice in our current education system and the recent housing bubble burst. First he quotes economist Robert Frank in Sunday’s Washington Post:

In a well-intentioned but ultimately misguided move to help more families enter the housing market, borrowing restrictions were relaxed during the intervening decades. Down payment requirements fell steadily, and in recent years, many houses were bought with no money down.

The result was a painful dilemma for any family determined not to borrow beyond its means. No one would fault a middle-income family for aspiring to send its children to schools of at least average quality. (How could a family aspire to less?) But if a family stood by while others exploited more liberal credit terms, it would consign its children to below-average schools. Even financially conservative families might have reluctantly concluded that their best option was to borrow up.

Lee then identifies the real culprit for the middle-income family squeeze on education and housing:

The most important thing to note, though, is that the scarcity of good schools Frank identifies is not an inherent fact about the universe, but a consequence of the public school monopoly. In a competitive education market, a shortage of good schools in a given area would spur people to either start new schools or expand the best of the existing ones. But the public school system has few mechanisms for doing either of those things (charter schools are a very limited mechanism for starting innovative public schools). Which means that the supply of good public schools is artificially limited, leading parents to bid up their price. The way to alleviate the shortage of good schools is not to re-regulate the mortgage market, but to reform the education system so that it’s easier to start and expand high-quality schools. Few things would do that as effectively as a robust program of school choice.

The ultimate nightmare for middle-income families would be to make the decision to go for the expensive home in the right neighborhood to get you into the right school … only to then have the local school board redraw the boundaries to nullify your choice. Unfortunately, stories like that happen all the time.