Contest Winner: The Queen’s Gift from America

Rory Cooper /

First, we should thank all of the members of the Heritage Foundation, and our readers, followers and friends at The Foundry, Twitter and Facebook for the tremendous response to our contest. Clearly, America is not happy giving Her Majesty, the Queen of England, an iPod. We had over 500 entries in less than 36 hours, and most submissions were either really funny, or really thoughtful. So we had to pick two winners, to represent both types of responses.

Each winner will receive a copy of The Heritage Guide to the Constitution autographed by former Attorney General Edwin Meese III and an autographed copy of Heritage Fellow Rebecca Hagelin’s new book 30 Ways in 30 Days to Save Your Family, available in stores on Monday, April 5.   If you wish to continue sending us your ideas, comments or thoughts, please do!

And now, the envelope please…
