More Reasons Not to Trust Russia on New START

James Carafano /


Amid the Administration’s full-court press to get the Senate to consent to ratify New START, a strategic offensive arms control treaty with the Russian Federation, Moscow is being described as a responsible, reliable, and cooperative international partner. However, these descriptions do not comport with reality, as Heritage’s “Top 10 Reasons Not to Trust Russia” fact sheet made clear. Russia’s domestic and international policies are often contrary to U.S. and allied interests and in breach of contractual obligations. There are even more reasons to reconsider signing such an important treaty with Russia that will constrain our own strategic defenses:

1. The Russian legislature is not committed to ratification of New START. Last month, the Russian State Duma International Affairs Committee decided to delay its consideration of legislation that would authorize the ratification of New START by the full Duma. The committee is concerned about the U.S. Senate’s interpretation of how the treaty impacts strategic non-nuclear weapons (i.e., Prompt Global Strike), rail-mobile intercontinental ballistic missiles, and missile defenses. Senators should wait until the resolution of ratification by Russia’s Duma becomes public and they receive and review the U.S. negotiating record. (more…)