Heritage’s Luce Award Goes to James Buckley
Ken McIntyre /
James L. Buckley, the former U.S. senator and federal judge who for 40 years advanced the conservative cause in all three branches of the federal government, last night received the Clare Boothe Luce Award, which is The Heritage Foundation’s highest honor for contributions to the movement.
“Jim Buckley has devoted his life to defending the same constitutional principles of liberty, prosperity and civil society that Heritage pledged to champion from our inception,” Heritage President Edwin J. Feulner (left) said before the ceremony during the annual President’s Club meeting in the nation’s capital.
Heritage Chairman Thomas A. Saunders III (right), reading from a Board of Trustees resolution bestowing the Luce Award, recalled Buckley’s key roles to a dinner crowd of more than 1,300 at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park, who gave the guest of honor a standing ovation: (more…)