The Lame Duck’s Seven Must Do Items

Brian Darling /

While they were busy wasting time on Obamacare, energy taxes, and amnesty, the 111th Congress let many of their primary obligations slide. That is why the next two months is about to witness the busiest lame duck session in the history of Congress. Here are seven most do items this lame duck must address before the 112th Congress is sworn in:

1. Appropriations – Congress has yet to complete work on one of the 12 appropriations bills necessary to keep the discretionary budget of the government funded into next year.  Congress is currently operating under a Continuing Resolution (CR) (PL 111-242)until December 3rd.  A Continuing Resolution is a bill that funds the federal government under last years levels until it expires.  Congress is going to have to decide between an Omnibus Spending bill, one that combines all of the 12 appropriations bills into one, or a Continuing Resolution that will fund the government into next year.  Congressional Quarterly (subscription required) reports that it is unclear as to whether the Congress will try to pass an Omnibus or a CR. (more…)