Mitch McConnell Responds to Dinner Crashers: ‘I Will Not Be Intimidated’

Molly Prince /

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says he isn’t fazed by his encounter with a man who confronted him and his wife while they were out to dinner last weekend in Louisville, Kentucky.

“I will not be intimidated,” McConnell wrote in an op-ed Tuesday describing the incident Friday night at the Havana Rumba restaurant. The Kentucky Republican explained that a man came in from off the street, pounded the couple’s table, threw some of their leftover food outside, and made a scene by hollering at McConnell and his wife, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao.

The episode ended after multiple other patrons of the restaurant told the aggressor to leave.

In the article published by The Courier-Journal, Kentucky’s largest newspaper, McConnell criticized the “extreme left’s playbook” and pledged to continue his important work in the Senate despite the actions of dissenters.

“I’m not sure exactly what in my career suggests I would be easily swayed by such a spectacle,” McConnell wrote. “The reality is simple: I will not be intimidated.”

McConnell expressed a similar sentiment on the Senate floor during the heated confirmation process before Justice Brett Kavanaugh joined the Supreme Court.

After multiple Republican lawmakers were chased and shouted at by left-wing activists in restaurants, on the way to their cars, in airports, and in Senate office hallways, McConnell said “there’s no chance in the world they’re going to scare us out of doing our duty.”

“I enjoyed my meal in Louisville on Friday night, and I will continue to eat with my friends and family at my favorite Kentucky restaurants,” McConnell said in the op-ed.

“I appreciate those who spoke up against the shameful behavior. We hope other customers weren’t too inconvenienced by the extremist left-wing tantrums.”

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