Time to Stop FARC Terror and Back Colombia

Ray Walser /

While Colombia’s new president Manuel Santos was at the United Nations today, he received welcomed news: Colombia’s military had located and attacked a camp belonging to the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). Killed in the assault was Jorge Briceno (born Victor Julio Suarez, AKA El Mono Jojoy) second highest FARC commander, military mastermind, and emblematic hard-line leader. Santos called it a “historic moment.”

As chief of the Eastern Bloc, Briceno commanded the largest single body of FARC fighters. He was also an architect of the terrorist strategy of kidnapping and hostage-taking, a trainer of countless insurgents, and central figure in FARC’s cocaine business. After joining FARC in the 70s, Briceno pursued a career as a ruthless criminal masquerading behind the mask of political insurgency. In 2002 he was indicted in the U.S. (more…)