House and Senate Cloakroom: September 20 – 24, 2010

Maggie Piggott /

House Cloakroom: September 20 – 24, 2010


The House is quickly winding down as the campaign season heats up. Leaders cancelled votes that were to begin on Tuesday evening and Members will now return to Capitol Hill on Wednesday evening. Most of the votes this week will be on bills under suspension of the rules, but the main vote of the week will be the Small Business Jobs Bill (HR 5297) that was passed last week by the Senate. The national debate will continue to call for Congress to take action on preventing the Obama tax hikes. The Heritage Foundation released a study this morning highlighting the dramatic effects of allowing taxes to increase at the end of this year. The outlook for the remaining legislative days in the House look to be work on the Continuing Resolution to provide funding for the government until Members return after the elections.

Major Floor Action

Major Committee Action
