Gov. Rick Scott Wants Florida to Prohibit Anyone Under 21 From Buying a Gun

Nick Givas /

Florida Gov. Rick Scott announced plans Friday to raise the age for purchasing a firearm in his state to 21, but provide exceptions for the military and law enforcement.

“We will require all individuals punishing firearms to be 21 or older,” Scott said during extensive remarks at a press conference. “There’ll be exceptions for active-duty and reserve military and spouses, National guard members, and law enforcement.”


Scott, a Republican, proposed the change little more than a week after the Feb. 14 massacre carried out by a 19-year-old gunman who left 17 dead and 14 wounded at a high school in Parkland, Florida.

The governor also proposed new gun control measures for those accused of stalking or domestic violence:

Next, we will prohibit a person from possessing or purchasing a firearm if there is stalking, cyberstalking, dating violence, repeat violence, sexual violence, or domestic violence.

We will establish enhanced criminal penalties for threats to schools like social media threats of shootings or bombings. We will also enhance penalties if any person possesses or purchases a gun after they have been deemed by state law to not have access to a gun.

Scott advocated a complete ban on bump stocks and requested an allocation of $450 million to enhance school safety. He also said he wants a law enforcement officer in every public school.

The Florida governor said:

The second part of my action plan provides $450 million to keep students safe. Today I am calling for a mandatory law enforcement officer in every public school. These law enforcement officers must either be sworn sheriff deputies or police officers and be present during all hours students are on campus.

The size of the campus should be a factor in determining the size of staff levels. I’m proposing at least one law enforcement officer for everyone thousand students. This must be implemented by the start of the 2018 school year.

Scott said security is also a major factor and wants state funds to add bulletproof glass, steel doors, and metal detectors to all public school buildings.

“We are also increasing funding in the Safe Schools Allocation for specific school safety needs within each school district. This includes school-hardening measures like metal detectors, bulletproof glass, steel doors, and upgraded locks,” Scott said.

“The Florida Department of Education, with [the Florida Department of Law Enforcement], will also provide minimum school safety and security standards by July 1 to all school districts.”

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