Where Did Rep. Rodriguez (D-TX) Get that $4.1 Trillion Number From?
Conn Carroll /
Rep. Ciro Rodriguez (D-TX) does not like having his credibility questioned. Defending his vote for Obamacare in what appears to be a restaurant in his home district, a video on YouTube shows Rodriguez claiming:
If we had not done anything in the next eight years based on CBO, congressional budget office, numbers it would have cost us $4.1 trillion.
When the veracity of this statement is questioned by a female constituent, Rodriguez is offended: “Ma’am don’t accuse me of not saying the truth.” Rodriguez then slams his papers on a table and adds: “I am not going to take it either. If you want to dialogue in a civil manner, but don’t say that I am not saying the truth.”
But is Rep. Rodriguez telling the truth? Where exactly did he get that $4.1 trillion figure from? (more…)