This Small Business Owner Doesn’t Want Handouts for Being a Woman in the Construction Industry. She Wants Tax Reform.

Kelsey Bolar /

SPRINGFIELD, Missouri—Mary Beth Hartman has never called herself a feminist. “But I do believe that women can compete with men, and I don’t believe that we have to be out there beating our chest or our drums, or doing a march, to get it done,” she told The Daily Signal from her office in Missouri.

Fifteen years ago, Hartman started a heavy highway construction business, Hunter-Chase & Associates. Entering a male-dominated industry isn’t easy, she said, but it’s doable. And instead of handouts for being a woman in a man’s world, Hartman said she wants tax reform.

“I want to compete on the same ground as all of my male competitors,” Hartman said. “And I believe tax reform can propel me to that level.”

Learn more about Hartman’s story and why as a small business owner she supports tax reform in the video above.