United Nations says to America: ‘You’re Deadbeats’

Rory Cooper /

Yesterday, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon called the United States a “deadbeat” donor to the world body. The White House called these words “unfortunate” and at least rightfully acknowledged the “the contribution that the American taxpayer makes.”

However, these words are much more than “unfortunate.” Let’s start with our donor status. The United States puts up 22% of the operating budget of the United Nations. Compared to other well populated nations with large economies, this is an outstanding number. China barely tops 2%, Brazil is just over 1% and Russia and India barely register as donors at all. Considering our secondary role as the official host country to the United Nations headquarters and any expenses that status costs, it is insulting when the United States is referred to as a “deadbeat” by the UN Secretary-General.

But moving beyond our taxpayer’s considerable financial investment that is largely ignored by the UN is a more prescient issue. The issue is why liberals ignore the incoming insults and believe the UN doesn’t have enough power over the American people?
