Book Review: Arthur Brooks’ ‘The Battle’

Tina Korbe /

As a college student in his late 20s, Arthur Brooks had never heard of the American Enterprise Institute. Nor had he read the work of conservative author and noted libertarian scholar Charles Murray. After traveling the world as a musician, Brooks had a completely different outlook on life.

Today he’s the president of AEI – and the author of a book former House Speaker Newt Gingrich says “will take its place with Charles Murray’s ‘Losing Ground’ as one of the pivotal books around which American history turned.”

That book – “The Battle: How the Fight Between Free Enterprise and Big Government Will Shape America’s Future” – already ranks among the top five bestselling books about free enterprise on Amazon. But that should come as no surprise. “Free enterprise,” after all, just happens to be Brooks’ specialty – and its inherent justice, his favorite theme. (more…)