VA Hospital Removes Trump Photo Hung by Veterans

Daily Signal Staff /

A Veterans Affairs hospital in West Palm Beach, Florida, is facing questions today for removing photos of President Donald Trump and VA Secretary David Shulkin. (Update: The White House has ordered VA hospitals to hang Trump’s photo.)

Fox News’ Ed Henry reported Thursday on “Fox & Friends” that U.S. Rep. Brian Mast, R-Fla., and a wounded veteran hung the pictures after noticing the VA hospital didn’t have any on display, as is customary. Even though a staff member at the VA hospital assisted the veterans, the photos of Trump and Shulkin were later removed.

“Local officials there told [Mast], ‘He’s not our president. We’re not hanging the photo.’ So he brought a portrait and put it up on the wall,” Henry told viewers. “But then after the congressman left, they pulled the photos back down.”

A VA spokeswoman told CBS 12 News that Mast’s actions were “inappropriate.” She added that the portraits were not “authenticated” and they need to come from “the central office.”