We Hear You: How Can The Daily Signal’s Audience Make a Difference?
Ken McIntyre /
Editor’s note: Here’s another batch of correspondence from you, our audience. Thanks for your enthusiasm and support. You’ll find our address below. —Ken McIntyre
Dear Daily Signal: Your team does their research; they take care to write short, clear, focused articles. This gives me the opportunity to be informed without having to track down all that information and connect a lot of dots myself. I just don’t have that kind of expertise (nor time).
So I want you to know that I appreciate the existence and the good, hard work of The Daily Signal and its team. I also would like to make a suggestion: Would it be possible to include in each article mention of some way the reader could make a difference in the situation the article describes?
I would love to see the research, writing, and editing skills of The Daily Signal crew applied to reporting or suggesting one or more ways the reader could help to bring about greater truth, justice, common good, increased accountability, protection of religious freedom, and so on.
By specific, I mean: Which congressman to contact? Which bill to mention? What organizations contributing to goodness are involved with the situation described?
I can take only so much knowledge of all the things not going well in our country without also having a way to do something about them. Indeed, prayer is the best answer. But I wonder if there are actions that your readers can take to help effect the good that The Daily Signal is proposing should be happening.—Margo Brown
Editor’s note: Readers, any ideas?
Trump Democrats
Dear Daily Signal: We love The Daily Signal, and hope it keeps coming to our inbox. It is so refreshing to read genuine conservative news. We especially enjoyed Michael Reeb’s enlightening commentary about our forgotten hometowns (“I’m a Lifelong Democrat. Here Are 3 Reasons I Pulled the Lever for Trump”).
We are happy to support The Daily Signal in the small way we can. We are about to cancel our Wall Street Journal subscription again, anyway; they are too fickle. Thank you for this gift. —Ken and Jane Hathaway
Dear Daily Signal: You can count the times I have written to columnists of any news organization on about half of one hand. Michael Reeb’s commentary on the 2016 election (“I’m a Lifelong Democrat. Here Are 3 Reasons I Pulled the Lever for Trump”) helped me understand better than anything else I have read or anything I could figure out myself. So, thank you. —Don Richman
The Founders and Term Limits
Dear Daily Signal: Jarrett Stepman’s commentary “Here’s What the Founders Thought About Term Limits” was a great article with good information.
Now in rebuttal to James Madison’s opposition: Term limits (rotation) have been used for hundreds of years with nonprofit organizations and businesses, boards of directors, trustees, and so on. It is typical to turn out people after a three-year term, so there is always at least one new person, one old person, and one intermediate person at any time.
This easily could be done by one-third of the states, say for six years. We must have new blood in office and get old blood out.
Please publicize the Founders’ concept for elected officials: They shall put down their plows and go the federal capital and represent the people. When they have done this, they shall return to the farm, pick up their plows, and produce crops for their family and the nation. —Joe Overstreet
A Good Education
Dear Daily Signal: Kelsey Harkness’ video “How School Choice Changed These Brothers’ Lives” was excellent. I am a senior citizen who attended four high schools. If I had not had my senior year at a New York state high school, I never would have obtained the education to immediately enter employment in the operations department of the largest bank in the Southeast at that time—with only a high school diploma. Our Georgia high school system still needs to be greatly improved, as does the elementary school system. —Sharon Sharp
Fighting Back Peacefully
Dear Daily Signal: I think The Daily Signal is my very best source for decent news, except for Fox. I thank you for giving us the facts so honestly and well.
I am so glad some of us conservatives are beginning to “fight back” without violence. I watched Tucker Carlson’s interview on Fox of the stupid middle school teacher who led that terrorist movement in Berkeley, and who said she would go to any extremes to get rid of “fascists,” a title she seemed to apply to anyone who thought conservatively.
This seems to be a trend among those who try to break up town hall meetings and any other peaceful attempts to “make America great again.” —Annette Sigmon Burton
How Are We Doing?
Congratulations to Alyene Senger on her commentary, “8 Reasons Why Obamacare Should Be Repealed.” One of the best summaries I have seen.—Kathleen Goryl
Thank you for your honest coverage. I live in New Mexico and all I hear is negative things about our wonderful president. They are so ignorant. —Judy Rogers
Best info email ever. Keep up the great work. Every patriot citizen should get this daily briefing to stay informed of the goings-on in D.C. Excelsior, my friends. —George P. Wilson
I love it that The Heritage Foundation is advising President Trump, giving him the benefit of the great studies it has been doing for years. —Ruth Rathmussen
Excellent. Please keep it up. One suggestion: You give a sentence below each photo; try giving two or three so we can get the sense of the topic. —Cliff Krueger
Why is every picture of our new president unflattering? Who decides which shots are going into The Daily Signal? —Emily Burchfield
I am pleased to get your publication on my iPhone. —James W. Robinson
I am always going to read your thoughts on a given subject, because I know I can trust what you publish. Thank God for your integrity. —Shirley Sclafani