Haiti: A Month after the Tragedy

Ray Walser /

Haiti Earthquake Commemoration 02/12/10

Haiti marks on February 12, the first month after the horrific January 12 earthquake, with a day of national mourning.  According to Haitian officials the death toll stands at between 217,000 and 230,000, a staggering figure equaling that of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. It is an occasion to reflect also upon the needs of Haitians injured, orphaned, and made homeless in the disaster.

February 12 is also a day to recognize the swift and generous bipartisan response of the U.S. to the earthquake.  The actions of Americans in response to the Haitian tragedy reflect our undiminished capacity to respond in the face of one of the most severe humanitarian crises in the 21st century.

U.S. military personnel deployed offshore or in Haiti during Operation Unified Response are beginning to return home.  At the height of operations as many as 23,000 U.S. service personnel were involved in Haiti duties ranging from air control and logistical operations to search and rescue, food distribution, and emergency medical care.  Roughly 13,000 troops are still serving there.

With the full panoply of military instruments from the hospital ship USNS Comfort to aircraft carrier Carl Vinson and the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit, the U.S.  demonstrated its unrivaled prowess in meeting an unanticipated challenge. (more…)