The House and Senate Cloakrooms: Jan. 19 – 24

Dan Holler /

Senate Cloakroom:

The Senate returns this week after a three-week absence. In the wake of passing an unpopular health care bill, the Senators must now contend with another unpopular issue – increasing the nation’s debt limit by nearly $1 trillion. The debate, which is expected to last into next week, will highlight our looming entitlement crisis, excessive spending and the increasingly aggressive involvement of government in our economy.

Major Floor Action:
A vote on Beverly Martin to be a US Circuit Court judge will kick off what is likely to be a busy week of floor action. Up to a dozen amendments are expected on the debt limit increase (H J Res 45). Amendments on TARP, EPA regulations, spending caps and PAYGO are possible. The most touted amendment is the fatally flawed Conrad-Gregg fiscal task force.

Major Committee Action:
The Christmas Day terrorist attack will come under scrutiny, with the Homeland Security, Judiciary, Commerce and Intelligence Committees all holding hearings.
