48 Tweets From Conservatives About Obama’s Last State of the Union

Leah Jessen /

Tuesday evening marked President Barack seventh State of the Union address.

Conservative voices took their reactions to Twitter while Obama addressed the nation from inside the House chamber during a joint session of Congress.

Here are some of the top tweets made during or right after Obama’s remarks:



Sorry, just warming up. #SOTU

— Jon Gabriel (@exjon) January 13, 2016

Girls at One Direction concerts are less enthralled than these Democratic members of Congress.

— Jim Geraghty (@jimgeraghty) January 13, 2016

There's something unsettling about watching members of what should be the foremost branch of government fawning over the president. #SOTU

— Corie Whalen (@CorieWhalen) January 13, 2016


Obama followed into the hall by 10 Republicans reflecting GOP control of both chambers.

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) January 13, 2016

Immigration system is not "broken." Its very sensible rules are being ignored. #SOTU

— Mark Davis (@MarkDavis) January 13, 2016

This guy can’t run a website, and he is going to personalize my medical care? #CatoSOTU

— Michael F. Cannon ???? (@mfcannon) January 13, 2016

When & why is it federal govt's job to "help students learn to write computer code" and "personalize medical treatments for patients" ?#sotu

— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) January 13, 2016


I love how a guy who tirelessly defends the big unions, regulations, and taxes that kill innovation talking about the future. #SOTU2016

— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) January 13, 2016


"Cut the cost of college" before talking ISIS, hostages, sailors held by Iran?

— Hugh Hewitt (@hughhewitt) January 13, 2016

There's that "free college" nonsense again. Didn't that get debunked last time?

— Rachael Larimore (@RachaelBL) January 13, 2016

Talking #Obamacare now. Mention of premiums and deductibles skyrocketing?

— Hugh Hewitt (@hughhewitt) January 13, 2016


It's an honest debate, he says, before suggesting Republicans think food stamps caused the financial crisis.

— Ramesh Ponnuru (@RameshPonnuru) January 13, 2016

Can we get to the part about how after 7 years, the only countries the US has improved relations with are Iran & Cuba? #change

— Stuart Stevens (@stuartpstevens) January 13, 2016

Flattest SOTU he’s done. The applause is late, the laughs are forced. And he’s not changing minds. I expected something different.

— Dana Perino (@DanaPerino) January 13, 2016


I hate to break it to you, but we're not going to cure cancer by January 20, 2017.

— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) January 13, 2016


Did POTUS just praise cheap gas in the middle of a lecture on dangers of climate change? #NotCoherent

— Hugh Hewitt (@hughhewitt) January 13, 2016

Good lord. Choice is between isolationism or "nation-building everywhere there is a problem." Godzilla strawman, attack!

— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahDispatch) January 13, 2016


With all due respect Mr. President, the genocide against Christians in the Middle East is not simply the "Middle East in transition". #SOTU

— Ana Rosa Quintana-Lovett (@ana_r_quintana) January 13, 2016

Obama says about ISIS:"we must take them out"

— Greta Van Susteren (@greta) January 13, 2016

Am I wrong or wasn't the last time Obama said our enemies are weak about 12 hours before the Paris attack? Hmmmm #SOTU

— Rachael Larimore (@RachaelBL) January 13, 2016


It’s 9:47. I give this 22 Pinocchios now.

— Mollie (@MZHemingway) January 13, 2016


President Obama realizes 10 American sailors are being held tonight in Iran, right? #SOTU

— Meghan McCain (@MeghanMcCain) January 13, 2016

It's like he is talking about a parallel universe

— Jen "Denial Dooms Democracy " Rubin (@JRubinBlogger) January 13, 2016

POTUS: “… I will keep working to shut down the prison at Guantanamo.” #SOTU

— Megyn Kelly (@megynkelly) January 13, 2016

I just heard “Guantanamo,” and what’s funny is that in 2008 he promised to close it very soon and who’s he waiting on?

— Mollie (@MZHemingway) January 13, 2016

No mention of San Bernardino. I'm just dismayed that everyone seems to have just forgotten about that terrorist attack.

— Dana Perino (@DanaPerino) January 13, 2016


Obama: "As we speak, Iran has rolled back its nuclear program."
Still radio silence on our detained sailors in Iran.#SOTU

— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) January 13, 2016

We have to change the system to reflect our better selves, which is why I feel free to violate the Constitution with impunity.

— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) January 13, 2016

The President is very disappointed in us for not fulfilling the promises of his ‘08 speeches.

— Mary Katharine Ham (@mkhammer) January 13, 2016

Man who abandoned campaign finance pledge in pursuit of own expedient interests laments role of $ in politics. So, so boring.#SOTU

— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) January 13, 2016


#sotu can someone tell @potus he had an opportunity to bring people together & didnt even swing!! @foxandfriends

— Brian Kilmeade (@kilmeade) January 13, 2016

Thank goodness he kept this short.

— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahDispatch) January 13, 2016



This is a short speech in the same sense that if you like your plan, you can keep it.#SOTU

— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) January 13, 2016

We will never have to listen to another one of those from this man again.

Cheers, America.#SOTU

— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) January 13, 2016