North Korea Will Launch a Missile, but Not on Oct. 10th

Bruce Klingner /

It had become an article of faith among the media and punditgentsia that North Korea would launch a long-range missile on Oct. 10 to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Korea Workers Party. But while Pyongyang has been publicly emphatic about having the sovereign right and intent to launch, it never declared it would launch on Oct. 10.

The latest available satellite imagery shows no missile at the launch site or any indications of an imminent launch. In the past, North Korea took weeks to prepare for a test launch after a missile arrived at the site. Nor has North Korea notified the International Maritime Organization and International Civil Aviation Organization of an impending launch, as it did prior to previous missile tests when it declared a specific launch date and missile stage splashdown zones.

Although Pyongyang will not launch a missile to commemorate the 70th anniversary, the regime will certainly conduct missile and nuclear tests in the future, when they would achieve technical and political objectives. Regardless of the timing of the launch, North Korea continues to develop and refine its nuclear and missile threats to the U.S. and its allies, all in direct violation of several U.N. resolutions.

Washington should be preparing, in consultations with Seoul and Tokyo, to impose more stringent measures to respond when North Korea again defies U.N. resolutions. The Obama administration should also press China to no longer obstruct a more meaningful international response.

Through the Glass Darkly

Speculation of an October missile launch was initially triggered by media misinterpretation of satellite imagery analysis of the Sohae missile launch facility. Construction activity observed at the missile launch, including an environmental/concealment cover, was part of ongoing upgrades rather than preparations for a launch.

North Korean regime statements strengthened the perception of an anniversary launch. North Korean official media reported that the regime is “in the final stage” of developing a new observation satellite. By late September, North Korean scientists stated that a launch was “imminent,” but it is “very wrong” for people to “think that we are about to launch a satellite on a particular festival day, on a particular anniversary.”

When the Oct. 10 anniversary passes without a missile launch, some experts may offer several incorrect interpretations, including technical problems, Chinese pressure, North Korean desire to improve relations with Seoul, and internal regime dynamics. Some experts have already credited Kim Jong-un for “exhibiting greater concern for improving [North Korea] public welfare” and claimed that Kim “has matured and triumphed” over hardliners.

China Remains Impediment to International Response

In late September, Chinese President Xi Jinping declared that Beijing was “opposed to “any actions that might cause tension in the Korean Peninsula or violate U.N. Security Council resolutions.” While some interpreted it as a rare move indicting that Beijing would not tolerate further North Korean provocations, China characteristically refrained from criticizing its ally directly.

Despite repeated speculation that Beijing has adopted a tougher stance toward North Korea, China has always blocked meaningful U.N. responses and adopted a value-neutral position by calling on both Koreas to show restraint, though only North Korea is guilty. Beijing is currently pressuring Seoul not to deploy the THAAD missile defensive system to better protect its citizens rather than confronting North Korea to abandon its prohibited offensive nuclear and missile programs.

What Washington Should Do

Washington should be consulting with Seoul and Tokyo to devise a common response to a North Korean missile launch. The allied response should include:

For its part, after a prohibited missile or nuclear test, South Korea should:

Preparing for the Inevitable

Pyongyang’s extensive construction efforts at its missile and nuclear test facilities reflect the continued prominence the regime devotes to its prohibited weapons programs. Kim Jong-un has vowed to “increase the production of precision and miniaturized nuclear weapons and the means of their delivery.”

Although Pyongyang won’t launch a missile on Oct. 10, it is only a matter of time until it does. The U.S. should be using the time to prepare a more extensive and effective response to the inevitable forthcoming North Korean provocation and violation of U.N. resolutions.