McCain Urges Lawsuit Against Obama Administration Over the Iran Deal

David Brody /

Sen. John McCain says he wants to see a lawsuit against the Obama administration over the Iran nuclear deal.

“I think he’s in defiance of the law and I believe we should have lawsuits that bring justice,” McCain tells The Daily Signal.

Back in the spring, President Barack Obama signed into law the Corker-Cardin bill, which required his administration to turn over “all related materials and annexes” related to the Iran deal. Once it did so, Congress had 60 days to pass either a resolution of disapproval, which would prevent Obama from granting waivers to U.S. economic sanctions against Iran, or a resolution of approval.

However, many congressional Republicans say that hasn’t happened because the details of the so-called “side deal” between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency that oversees the inspections of Iran’s nuclear sites hasn’t been obtained.

McCain and other leading Republicans believe that this should be challenged in court.

“We ought to go to court on this one, because I believe it’s in violation of the law that was passed that required a full and complete understanding of all the details of the agreement.”