Watch Conservative Activist Tell Shouting Dr. Drew Planned Parenthood’s History of Covering Up Child Sex Abuse

Daily Signal Staff /

Appearing on HLN’s “Dr. Drew On Call,” Alison Howard discussed Planned Parenthood’s history on child sex abuse with a skeptical Dr. Drew.

“I’m talking about the young girls [who] were taken to Planned Parenthood by their perpetrators, and who wished Planned Parenthood shouted about their abuse, but, instead, as we’ve seen in recent reports, covered up that sexual abuse,” Howard said.

Planned Parenthood did not immediately respond to The Daily Signal’s request for comment.

The Daily Signal’s Kate Scanlon reported in September on this issue:

Planned Parenthood clinics have displayed a pattern of failure to report sexual abuse, according to a report by Alliance Defending Freedom.

Alliance Defending Freedom, a non-profit legal organization that advocates freedom of religion, compiled a report that states clinics in Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Minnesota, and Ohio failed to report the sexual abuse of minors in their care to the appropriate authorities.

The report chronicles “decades” of failure to report sexual abuse, ADF Legal Counsel Natalie Decker told The Daily Signal in an interview.

Read the rest of Scanlon’s report here.