Cartoon: Americans Oppose Iran Deal

Glenn Foden /


Genevieve Wood wrote on why the Iran Deal is dangerous for Americans:

It has been said that liberty and freedom require eternal vigilance.

There are no permanent victories or defeats in Washington – only permanent battles.

So despite what you may hear from the mainstream news media or the White House that this deal is done—it is not done, and this is a battle The Heritage Foundation and all of you must keep fighting.

The more the American people have learned about the deal, the more opposed they are to it.

And that is why those members of the Senate who have decided to support this deal want to do so without going on record—they don’t want to have to actually go on the Senate floor and cast a vote.

That is unacceptable—Americans should know where their senators stand. They should know where those candidates who want to succeed President Obama stand.

Poll after poll shows that the president has absolutely failed in convincing the American public that this deal is going to make them safer or the world safer.

President Obama: When a majority of Americans, a majority of their elected representatives in Congress, and even many of your own party oppose your policy, it is time to reverse course.

These are slightly adapted from the remarks Genevieve Wood made at the Stop Iran Deal Rally Wednesday in Washington, D.C.