Tankosphere Today: Dec. 9, 2008
Todd Thurman /
As economists and the Wall Street Journal have noted, the Community Reinvestment Act was an important ingredient of the financial crisis, by pressuring banks to make risky loans to people in low-income, predominantly-minority neighborhoods…
Today, South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford announced a sweeping tax reform proposal that would vastly improve the state’s business tax climate. The proposal has several planks…
A new study released by ICF International estimated the economic impact of opening up federal lands (both on- and off-shore) to energy development at $4 TRILLION over the life of the resources. A trillion here, a trillion there (in today’s world of trillion dollar bailouts)…
Pope Pius IX had everything modern in his sights when he wrote the Syllabus of Errors and related encyclicals. It was not just socialism that came in for a pasting and I am sure he would have been no friend of a liberal market economy…