42 Photos From the Planned Parenthood Protests

Leah Jessen /

On Saturday, tens of thousands of people gathered in hundreds of rallies around the country to protest Planned Parenthood.

The protesters numbered more than 60,000, according to the Pro-Life Action League.

Twitter and Instagram users took to social media to share their photos with the world. Below are 42 shots from the day.

#PlannedParenthood Protests Hit L.A. Clinic #UnbornLivesMatter #DefundPP #PJNET http://t.co/x1RR7XMInv #tcot pic.twitter.com/KyUWeTDqqw

— Linda Suhler, Ph.D. (@LindaSuhler) August 23, 2015

Protest at Planned Parenthood in Falls Church, VA. pic.twitter.com/7Px4RFZPm6 — Mollie (@MZHemingway) August 22, 2015


#plannedparenthood #NYC #manhattan #abortion #ProtestPP #PPSellsBabyparts #prolife #prolifegen #catholic #choice #womensrights #childrights #silentnomore #priestsforlife #womenregretabortion #lovewins #Godwins #catholic

A photo posted by carmel nisha pius franco (@totuztuus) on

#protestpp #everylifematters #plannedparenthood

A photo posted by troylanderson (@troylanderson) on

Yaya! Victorville, CA #protest #defundPP #PPissellingbabyparts let’s keep this going and continue being the voice for the Babies who never had a choice ??

A photo posted by Hannah Brock (@hannaharbrockstories) on

On the other side of the street, they held signs that said “honk for life” and sure, we got flipped off sometimes BUT you should have heard the car horns!! Cop cars and busses, the Victorville transit, cars holding their horn down waving and…..WE HAVE A VOICE so let’s use it to fight for the babies who were never given a choice! ?? I am #prolife and #wewontstandforthis #PPissellingbabyparts #defundPP #bethevoice #protest #pray

A photo posted by Hannah Brock (@hannaharbrockstories) on

A group of people protest against abortions and the sale of fetus parts in front of Planned Parenthood on Whitney Avenue in New Haven on Saturday as part of a larger National Day of Protest. (Photo by Arnold Gold — New Haven Register) #NHV #CT #Plannedparenthood #abortion #protest #NewHavenCT

A photo posted by New Haven Register (@newhavenregister) on


#PlannedParenthood #Protest #FightForLife #SilenceKills

A photo posted by Taylor Scott (@saintt_ocho) on

Praising God for the many faithful soldiers who stood for LIFE this afternoon! #prolife #abolishhumanabortion #plannedparenthood

A photo posted by Mariah Campana (@mariahcampana) on

We had so many people at the #Pittsburgh #protestPP rally that we couldnt fit all on the sidewalk near #PlannedParenthood and had to spread out all across the 4 corners of the intersection! We had more than 250 #prolife supporters!

A photo posted by Life Matters Journal (@lifemattersjournal) on

A powerful picture from Saturday outside of a #PlannedParenthood facility in Arizona. #ProtestPP #ProtestPPaz pic.twitter.com/1tZuDrUGdK

— Center for Arizona P (@azpolicy) August 24, 2015

Hundreds turned up despite the heat to #ProtestPP in Phoenix! #DefundPP #PPSellsBabyParts pic.twitter.com/ASuY6F98fU — AllianceDefends (@AllianceDefends) August 22, 2015

This was a fav sign at #protestPP today! Thanks to all who rallied for life! #PPsellsbabyparts #defundPP pic.twitter.com/oE560fsm43

— FRC (@FRCdc) August 22, 2015

ADF team members are standing up for life at the #ProtestPP rally in #Lawrenceville, GA! @harrisontsmith pic.twitter.com/0qdbLCedco — AllianceDefends (@AllianceDefends) August 22, 2015

We’re at the #ProtestPP rally in Washington, D.C. this morning to say – ENOUGH!! #PPSellsBabyParts #ProLife pic.twitter.com/NpWhB9ro7j

— AUL (@AUL) August 22, 2015

Really strong showing in Louisville to #ProtestPP pic.twitter.com/QiECWClQ7e — James A. Smith Sr. ? (@JamesASmithSr) August 22, 2015

@AlvedaCKing joins #ProtestPP in Marietta Ga #DeFunddPP pic.twitter.com/hY6zktnqnL

— Stacey Lennox (@ScotsFyre) August 22, 2015

Great turnout in #riverside at the #plannedparenthood #protest. We were there among many other to #supportlife #fightforlife #protestpp #defundpp #ppsellsbabyparts #jesuslovesthelittlechildren #Jesusisthereason #godforgives A photo posted by Sarah A. Ramirez (@luv_link) on


Great sign at the Phoenix #PlannedParenthood protest. #ProtestPP #ProtestPPaz A photo posted by Center for Arizona Policy (@azpolicy) on


Nuff said #protestpp #defundpp #life #nashville A photo posted by Brandon Goodin (@bgoodin) on


It’s a beautiful day to save lives! Protested outside of Planned Parenthood, exposing the truth about abortion and the corruption of their organization. #AllLivesMatter #PPSellsBabyParts #DefundPP #CreatedEqual #EndAgeism A photo posted by Hali Woken (@haliwoken) on


About 200 people at our local #pp in protest. #defundPP #pp #ppsellsbabyparts #protestpp A photo posted by Mitar Rudanovic (@mitarrudanovic) on


#PPProtest Winston-Salem,NC #UnbornLivesMatter #PPSellsBabyParts #DefundPP Virginia Foxx-USE THE POWER OF THE PURSE! A photo posted by TeamWeThePeople (@teamwethepeople) on


National Day of Protest #PPSellsBabyParts #defundPP A photo posted by Jay Smith (@jaybird632) on


Today I stood with over 400 people in Louisville, KY and tens of thousands across the nation in protest against Planned Parenthood. “It’s amazing that we can’t have a law that recognizes them as human, yet it is their humanness that makes them valuable for sale.” #defundPP #protestPP A photo posted by mary (@maryleighking) on


Here I am, 23 years old & DEFENDING LIFE!! Being outside of “Planned MURDERhood” opened my eyes and heart to so much. So much sadness expressed on all the men and women that would come out the slaughterhouse. The women could hardly walk coming out. Yoga pants, dark shades hiding their eyes, and slouched over was the repeated look of the women coming out from the back entrance of the place. You can literally feel pain in your heart seeing each one. I was just wanting to run up to them and LET THEM KNOW THERE IS HELP! Planned Parenthood IS NOT HEALTHCARE, they DONT CARE ABOUT YOU! THEY BRAINWASH YOU INTO DESTROYING A PRECIOUS LIFE & thinking that “It’s your BEST SOLUTION” but NO! it’s not! The best solution isn’t to HURT & make PROFIT OFF OF YOU & THE LIFE INSIDE OF YOU! My beloved brothers and sisters there is HELP OUT THERE! If you or someone you know has had or is planning on having an abortion please know that there are other solutions with people that ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT YOU! There is help if you are also experience depression/other side effects of having had an abortion. PLEASE, don’t let someone make money out of an INNOCENT LIFE. With our prayers and protest we ended up opening the eyes of a security guard there. He is only 20 years old and since we OPENED HIS EYES TO THE REALITY OF PLANNED MURDERhood, he decided to QUIT! He said he wants a family of his own one day and it is NOT RIGHT WHAT THIS SLAUGHTERHOUSE IS DOING TO PEOPLE! We quickly gave him new job offers as he came down in tears because it was a job that took him 9 months to get but WITH A GOOD HEART HE KNOWS ITS THE BEST THING TO DO! Blessed is the LORD. So let’s keep EDUCATING PEOPLE WITH THE TRUTH, and keep PRAYING for this ONGOING MASSACRE OF INNOCENT LIVES to come to an END. #ProtestPP #DefundPP #PPSellsBabyParts #AllLivesMatter #WomenBetrayed #ProLifeGeneration #ProLifeGen A photo posted by ????? ??????j e s s i c a c. (@castlej_) on


I was honored to stand with 500 plus people this morning who support life and the rights of ALL. If even in (what may seem like) a small way, it is important to be a voice for those who can’t speak. Unfortunately, it might be hard to eliminate this barbaric practice, but the answer isn’t to lie down and be quiet. #defundpp A photo posted by Benjamin Carroll (@strangerinbreeofficial) on


Just a few of the 90 people that showed up to #protestpp #ppsellsbabyparts #defundpp #downwithpp #womenbetrayed #prolife A photo posted by Jay_Rozzi (@jayrozzi) on


My daughter understands that saving babies is more important than saving lions and whales. For her this is an obvious choice. #savethehumans #defundpp #prolifesummer #protestpp #PPsellsbodyparts A photo posted by Natty (@nataliedoane) on


1600 protesters standing for life today against abortion giant #plannedparenthood in Phoenix, AZ! Congratulations! Well done! #protestpp #prolife #stand4life #abolishabortion #abortionismurder #abortion #abortionmill #plannedparenthoodsellsbabyparts #ppsellsbabyparts #plannedparenthoodisevil #marchforlife #whywemarch #righttolife #lovelife #prolifegeneration #prolifegen #wearetheprolifegeneration #endplannedparenthood #defundpp A photo posted by Nat’l Assn. Of Pro-Life Nurses (@prolifenurses) on


We stand for LIFE! #defundpp #protestpp #everylifematters #ppsellsbabyparts A photo posted by Eric Stanley (@ericstanley16) on


Life is a gift. #defundPP #900folkscameouttoday #socool #babiesarecooltoo #soaremommies A photo posted by Mary Dallal (@mare_dallal) on


#prolifegen out in force today as 500 Memphians gathered to speak out against abortion and stand up for life! #protestpp #defundpp #prolife #endabortion A photo posted by Memphis Stands for Life (@memphis_stands_for_life) on


Part of the #ProtestPP in #annapolis today. Over 250 people there! #defundPP #anotherboy #ppsellsbabyparts A photo posted by @natehalverson on


Thousands rally on the streets of Falls Church, VA today to defend life & #DefundPP. We must #StoPP the funding now! pic.twitter.com/t1Dl71cZ9V — Dr. Ben Carson (@RealBenCarson) August 22, 2015

At the #DefundPP #DefundIFPA protest in Dublin! So proud to stand with pro-lifers all over the world in 350 cities pic.twitter.com/LHzUr0YCW4

— Life Institute (@lifeinstitute) August 23, 2015

Rallying to @ProtestPP in Tempe, AZ! #DefundPP pic.twitter.com/EuqpOua6Nu — AllianceDefends (@AllianceDefends) August 23, 2015

Over 4,500 strong at this mornings protest! #defundplannedparenthood #prolifeminnesota #prolifegeneration #standforlifemovement #protestppstpaul #protestpp

A photo posted by Heather Negen (@mrs.heathernegen) on

Great turnout! #defundpp #protestpp #protestplannedparenthood

A photo posted by Central Oregon Right To Life (@centraloregonrighttolife) on

#DefundPP Rally in Lakewood, CA #PPSellsBabyParts #UnbornLivesMatter #ProtestPP #ProLife

A photo posted by Carolina (@caroinlacity) on

Dr. Suess profoundly said “a person’s a person no matter how small” God made every child in His own image. We cannot choose to keep some and kill others and to use body parts of innocent lives to research for our own good. This is what Planned Parenthood has done and is doing #defundpp #chooselife PC: @meetherobinson

A photo posted by Liv (@oliviahatch_27) on