42 Photos From the Planned Parenthood Protests
Leah Jessen /
On Saturday, tens of thousands of people gathered in hundreds of rallies around the country to protest Planned Parenthood.
The protesters numbered more than 60,000, according to the Pro-Life Action League.
Twitter and Instagram users took to social media to share their photos with the world. Below are 42 shots from the day.
#PlannedParenthood Protests Hit L.A. Clinic #UnbornLivesMatter #DefundPP #PJNET http://t.co/x1RR7XMInv #tcot pic.twitter.com/KyUWeTDqqw
— Linda Suhler, Ph.D. (@LindaSuhler) August 23, 2015
Protest at Planned Parenthood in Falls Church, VA. pic.twitter.com/7Px4RFZPm6 — Mollie (@MZHemingway) August 22, 2015
A powerful picture from Saturday outside of a #PlannedParenthood facility in Arizona. #ProtestPP #ProtestPPaz pic.twitter.com/1tZuDrUGdK
— Center for Arizona P (@azpolicy) August 24, 2015
Hundreds turned up despite the heat to #ProtestPP in Phoenix! #DefundPP #PPSellsBabyParts pic.twitter.com/ASuY6F98fU — AllianceDefends (@AllianceDefends) August 22, 2015
This was a fav sign at #protestPP today! Thanks to all who rallied for life! #PPsellsbabyparts #defundPP pic.twitter.com/oE560fsm43
— FRC (@FRCdc) August 22, 2015
ADF team members are standing up for life at the #ProtestPP rally in #Lawrenceville, GA! @harrisontsmith pic.twitter.com/0qdbLCedco — AllianceDefends (@AllianceDefends) August 22, 2015
We’re at the #ProtestPP rally in Washington, D.C. this morning to say – ENOUGH!! #PPSellsBabyParts #ProLife pic.twitter.com/NpWhB9ro7j
— AUL (@AUL) August 22, 2015
Really strong showing in Louisville to #ProtestPP pic.twitter.com/QiECWClQ7e — James A. Smith Sr. ? (@JamesASmithSr) August 22, 2015
@AlvedaCKing joins #ProtestPP in Marietta Ga #DeFunddPP pic.twitter.com/hY6zktnqnL
— Stacey Lennox (@ScotsFyre) August 22, 2015
Great sign at the Phoenix #PlannedParenthood protest. #ProtestPP #ProtestPPaz A photo posted by Center for Arizona Policy (@azpolicy) on
Nuff said #protestpp #defundpp #life #nashville A photo posted by Brandon Goodin (@bgoodin) on
About 200 people at our local #pp in protest. #defundPP #pp #ppsellsbabyparts #protestpp A photo posted by Mitar Rudanovic (@mitarrudanovic) on
#PPProtest Winston-Salem,NC #UnbornLivesMatter #PPSellsBabyParts #DefundPP Virginia Foxx-USE THE POWER OF THE PURSE! A photo posted by TeamWeThePeople (@teamwethepeople) on
National Day of Protest #PPSellsBabyParts #defundPP A photo posted by Jay Smith (@jaybird632) on
Today I stood with over 400 people in Louisville, KY and tens of thousands across the nation in protest against Planned Parenthood. “It’s amazing that we can’t have a law that recognizes them as human, yet it is their humanness that makes them valuable for sale.” #defundPP #protestPP A photo posted by mary (@maryleighking) on
I was honored to stand with 500 plus people this morning who support life and the rights of ALL. If even in (what may seem like) a small way, it is important to be a voice for those who can’t speak. Unfortunately, it might be hard to eliminate this barbaric practice, but the answer isn’t to lie down and be quiet. #defundpp A photo posted by Benjamin Carroll (@strangerinbreeofficial) on
Just a few of the 90 people that showed up to #protestpp #ppsellsbabyparts #defundpp #downwithpp #womenbetrayed #prolife A photo posted by Jay_Rozzi (@jayrozzi) on
1600 protesters standing for life today against abortion giant #plannedparenthood in Phoenix, AZ! Congratulations! Well done! #protestpp #prolife #stand4life #abolishabortion #abortionismurder #abortion #abortionmill #plannedparenthoodsellsbabyparts #ppsellsbabyparts #plannedparenthoodisevil #marchforlife #whywemarch #righttolife #lovelife #prolifegeneration #prolifegen #wearetheprolifegeneration #endplannedparenthood #defundpp A photo posted by Nat’l Assn. Of Pro-Life Nurses (@prolifenurses) on
We stand for LIFE! #defundpp #protestpp #everylifematters #ppsellsbabyparts A photo posted by Eric Stanley (@ericstanley16) on
Life is a gift. #defundPP #900folkscameouttoday #socool #babiesarecooltoo #soaremommies A photo posted by Mary Dallal (@mare_dallal) on
#prolifegen out in force today as 500 Memphians gathered to speak out against abortion and stand up for life! #protestpp #defundpp #prolife #endabortion A photo posted by Memphis Stands for Life (@memphis_stands_for_life) on
Part of the #ProtestPP in #annapolis today. Over 250 people there! #defundPP #anotherboy #ppsellsbabyparts A photo posted by @natehalverson on
Thousands rally on the streets of Falls Church, VA today to defend life & #DefundPP. We must #StoPP the funding now! pic.twitter.com/t1Dl71cZ9V — Dr. Ben Carson (@RealBenCarson) August 22, 2015
At the #DefundPP #DefundIFPA protest in Dublin! So proud to stand with pro-lifers all over the world in 350 cities pic.twitter.com/LHzUr0YCW4
— Life Institute (@lifeinstitute) August 23, 2015
Rallying to @ProtestPP in Tempe, AZ! #DefundPP pic.twitter.com/EuqpOua6Nu — AllianceDefends (@AllianceDefends) August 23, 2015