The Big-Government Republican Plan to ‘Fix’ Highway Funding

Michael Sargent /

Congress is once again debating a big-government, tax-and-spend bill that fails to fix a problem that’s plagued the federal government for a decade. It’s the Senate’s version of the highway bill, and this week, lawmakers will vote on the 1,030-page, six-year deal in a misguided attempt to finance new highway and transit spending.

American taxpayers deserve better. The plan does nothing about addressing the long-term problems in the Highway Trust Fund, and it exacerbates them by tacking on spending for unnecessary new programs. It pays for only half of the bill, and it does so by relying on unacceptable gimmicks and tax increases.

We’ve put together the infographic below to help you understand the legislative landscape and the current state of play in Congress.

Graphic: Casi Long/The Heritage Foundation

Graphic: Casi Long/The Heritage Foundation