Bobby Jindal Declares Killing of 4 Marines ‘Radical Islamic Terrorism’

Leah Jessen /

WATERLOO, Iowa—Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal started the evening off at the Waterloo Veterans of Foreign Wars with a prayer for the four Marines that were “slaughtered” Thursday in Chattanooga, Tenn.

Jindal, running for the Republican nomination in the 2016 presidential race, said events like the tragic shooting have happened “one time too many.”

Full house to see @BobbyJindal at the Waterloo Veterans of Foreign Wars post this evening.

— Leah Jessen (@_LeahKay_) July 17, 2015

Jindal prayed, in part:

Lord, we lift up four American heroes, the Marines that lost their lives. We pray for their families. God, we pray that you bring them the comfort, the peace that only you can bring. … God, we just pray that you will bring comfort to the parents, the siblings, the spouses, the children that are left behind. … We pray that you will give them faith and an understanding. Father, we pray for resolve in our nation as we confront evil and our enemies. Lord, we pray for healing for the people of Chattanooga in Tennessee. Lord, we, in a special way, lift up our men and women in uniform to your protection. God, we give you thanks for their courage, their service, and their loyalty…

Federal officials are treating the incident as an act of domestic terrorism, but have cautioned that an investigation would determine how the shooting was classified.

Jindal was ready to go a step further.

“It seems pretty clear from what we already know that this is an act of not only terrorism, but radical Islamic terrorism,”Jindal said. “The reality is this: There is evil in the world.”

Jindal believes that building up the military, not cutting 40,000 troops, is what America needs to keep up with growing threats to the country from around the world.

Jindal said, “I would like our commander-in-chief to wage war on radical Islamic terrorism.”

If elected president, securing the borders and investing in national defense will be top priorities for Jindal.

Mrs. Supriya Jindal introduced 2016 presidential candidate & Louisiana Gov. @BobbyJindal in Waterloo, Iowa, tonight. — Leah Jessen (@_LeahKay_) July 17, 2015

Bringing his wife along to the event, Jindal stood strongly to his view that marriage is between one man and one woman. “My Christian views do not evolve or change with the polls,” he said.

Jindal also holds a pro-life view and criticized Planned Parenthood.

Calling the recent Planned Parenthood video “disgusting” and “grotesque,” Jindal said, “What an awful, offensive video.”

“It certainly looks like they are talking about illegal human trafficking and sale of fetal body parts,” he claimed.

Jindal noted that his state of Louisiana has been the most pro-life state for the last six years.

“We’ve got to stand for life in Louisiana and America,” Jindal said.

.@BobbyJindal & Mrs. Jindal met with folks in Waterloo, Iowa, tonight. It’s not too late to #AskBobby a question!

— Leah Jessen (@_LeahKay_) July 17, 2015

In taking questions from the crowd, Jindal noted that Louisiana has made drastic improvements in its education system since Hurricane Katrina hit the state in 2005.

In Louisiana, Jindal said that federal dollars follow a child so that parents can make choices about where to send their child to school.

Jindal stated that officials in Washington, D.C., should not be making choices about a child’s education.

“It is time for us to take our country back,” Jindal said.