34 Tweets Responding to Legalization of Gay Marriage

Natalie Johnson /

The Supreme Court ruled Friday same-sex couples have a Constitutional right to marriage in all 50 states. Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote the majority opinion in the 5-4 ruling. The decision prompted an immediate flood of social media reactions.

#SupremeCourt rules same-sex couples have right to marry anywhere in US. Major court rulings: http://t.co/FP3lleELlqpic.twitter.com/DMgYbaMEIE

— AP Interactive (@AP_Interactive) June 26, 2015

You can hear the cheering from the crowd outside the Supreme Court from outside the Capitol as the gay marriage decision is announced

— Frank Thorp V (@frankthorpNBC) June 26, 2015

???????? ???????? ???????? ????????????????????????????. pic.twitter.com/GbDS0IJH1N

— BuzzFeed (@BuzzFeed) June 26, 2015

The scene outside of the Supreme Court a second after the decision pic.twitter.com/FGIbIbKk3x

— Benny (@bennyjohnson) June 26, 2015

Before today’s SCOTUS decision, gay marriage legal in 37 states: 8 by legislative action, 3 by popular vote, 26 by court order.

— Byron York (@ByronYork) June 26, 2015

“Today we can say in no uncertain terms that we’ve made our union a little more perfect.” —President Obama #LoveWins

— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) June 26, 2015

All marriages at their root are about love. In America, our laws now recognize that simple truth. #LoveWins today & we couldn’t be prouder.

— Vice President Biden (@VP) June 26, 2015

Jeb Bush releases statement: ‘”I believe in traditional marriage” http://t.co/f7qkn2XB8K pic.twitter.com/G6mLDhLMqK

— NYT Politics (@nytpolitics) June 26, 2015

Gov @ScottWalker calling for amendment to US Constitution declaring marriage between one man and one woman

— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) June 26, 2015

Marco Rubio’s position is essentially mine: Wrong decision; but now the law; let’s move on to protecting conscience. pic.twitter.com/gYrJYOUwaz

— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) June 26, 2015

here’s where gay marriage is now legal in America pic.twitter.com/ZddygTYd3U

— David Wyllie (@journodave) June 26, 2015

Supreme Court has legalized gay marriage. This battle in the culture war is over.

— Tim Stanley (@timothy_stanley) June 26, 2015

The rationale behind today’s #gaymarriage #supremecourt decision …as advanced by Thomas Jefferson. pic.twitter.com/YPce6gws7C

— Peter Foster (@pmdfoster) June 26, 2015

BREAKING; Amid all the terror & carnage, some good news: US Supreme Court just made gay marriage legal in all 50 states.

— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) June 26, 2015

Our splash from @HuffPostPol celebrating #SCOTUSMarriage #LoveWins pic.twitter.com/bsalSmAHWz

— Arianna Huffington (@ariannahuff) June 26, 2015

John Roberts in gay marriage dissent: “But this Court is not a legislature.” Not what you said yesterday, bruh.

— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) June 26, 2015

How far we’ve come since the Pres Obama & Sen. Clinton ran against gay marriage in 2008! People can change. Never give up. #SCOTUSMarriage

— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) June 26, 2015

Obama’s 2008 position on gay marriage unavailable for comment. pic.twitter.com/sXkY8LkbS4

— Ben Howe (@BenHowe) June 26, 2015

You signed & praised DOMA. https://t.co/DZBLwijsU2

— Shoshana Weissmann (@senatorshoshana) June 26, 2015

Proud. pic.twitter.com/9J44PCYeuQ

— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) June 26, 2015

I’m sorry, but I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman and that woman’s crazy Greek family.

— Chip Chantry (@ChipChantry) June 26, 2015

WOW at the tone of this footnote in Scalia’s dissent. pic.twitter.com/ob3mm9c1UD

— Taniel (@Taniel) June 26, 2015

Love won. #MarriageEquality

— Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) June 26, 2015

If you had told me in 2004 that America would have a black president, universal health care, and gay marriage by 2015, I would have laughed

— Ezra Klein (@ezraklein) June 26, 2015

I hope additional countries, including Israel, will follow in the footsteps of the United States and grant this basic right to all.

— Moshe Bogie Ya’alon (@bogie_yaalon) June 26, 2015

The cars on the uber app have little rainbows for scotus decision pic.twitter.com/2sko1b7SRj

— Alana Goodman (@alanagoodman) June 26, 2015

This is not something news organizations do, is it? pic.twitter.com/oAtZxxmK5u

— Dylan Byers (@DylanByers) June 26, 2015

Trump, I guess, is unhappy that Roberts didn’t join the majority opinion to legalize gay marriage. https://t.co/M3L5izod2b

— Josh Barro (@jbarro) June 26, 2015

PLOT TWIST: heretofore obscure provision of Obamacare now requires everyone to purchase gay wedding gifts on federal exchange

— Tony!ToniTone! Stark (@StarkTTT) June 26, 2015

Lindsey Graham warns GOP against a “divisive effort that would be doomed to fail” to change the Constitution and ban gay marriage

— Manu Raju (@mkraju) June 26, 2015

2005: Our marriage won’t affect your rights. 2014: Bake a cake or be destroyed. 2015: We won’t touch your church. Promise. Tee hee.

— John Nolte (@NolteNC) June 26, 2015

Gay marriage is dead. Long live MARRIAGE.

— Jonathan Capehart (@CapehartJ) June 26, 2015

We’ve honorarily renamed Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough to “I Dough, I Dough” in our Scoop Shops. http://t.co/J8Kd68ZQaB pic.twitter.com/xCgss0vXdM

— Ben & Jerry’s (@benandjerrys) June 26, 2015

How unbelievably quickly public opinion changed on gay marriage, in 6 charts. http://t.co/OLdslQ38WB pic.twitter.com/AqrqykTc0d

— Chris Cillizza (@TheFix) June 26, 2015