Generation Y: What’s Faith Got To Do With It?

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Generation Y is widely defined as the 77 million Americans born between 1977 and 1997 — and as any good demographic sample would, it’s being analyzed.

A Denver Post blogger opines on why Gen Y’ers are moving back in with their parents.

JD Power and Associates dissects Gen Y’s buying patterns and suggests that the recession is making them grapple with a “Quarter-Life Crisis.”

Today’s “emerging adults” enjoy more options for work, marriage and location than perhaps any previous generation. But with that freedom come anxiety and confusion. And sociologists like Christian Smith and Mark Regnerus are taking a deeper look at what faith has to do with it.

Smith, professor of sociology at Notre Dame, will deliver a luncheon keynote address at tomorrow’s Heritage-sponsored research conference, “Religious Practice and the Family. ” He will draw his talk from his new (more…)