Tankosphere Today: Nov. 6, 2008
Todd Thurman /
In Challenges facing the EU Savings Tax – the first independent study of the EU Savings Tax Directive – Keith and his co-author, Graham Mather, reveal that the European Commission is in danger of scoring an own goal in its move to raise larger tax receipts and crack down on perceived tax evasion…
On Monday, Sen. Bob Menendez was on Neil Cavuto’s show discussing Sen. Obama’s tax plan. Of course, like most campaign spokespersons, he was only able to recite the 50 words that the campaign staff taught him. It’s rather entertaining yet frustrating at the same time to realize that a person this clueless is helping shape fiscal policy in the United States Senate. (He should ask Sen. Wyden to give him a 30-minute tutoring session on the basics of the tax code.)…
I’ve spent much of the day considering the consequences of Sen. Obama’s victory in the presidential election to health reform efforts in the states. I regret to say that it does not look good…
O’Reilly writer Andy Oram makes the case that the assertion President-elect Barack Obama’s victory is in large part due to his campaign’s effective use of the internet is an overstatement, to say the least. Oram counters that when all is said and done, the mainstream media is what had the most significant impact on the elections…
The traditional, historic, and natural definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman was a winner on Election Day, despite the simultaneous victories for Democrats in capturing the White House and expanding their majority in Congress…