‘We’re Going to Keep Fighting This Battle’: Steve Scalise on Homeland Security Funding Fight

Kate Scanlon /

During an appearance on Fox News Sunday, House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., said that the House would “keep fighting” to both fund the Department of Homeland Security and stop the president’s “illegal” executive action on immigration.

Scalise denied host Chris Wallace’s statement that the temporary funding bill merely “kicked the can down the road,” in the stalemate, leaving the House in the same position it was last week.

“What we did was passed a bill that now forces the Senate to vote on going to conference,” Scalise said. “We actually passed a bill that pushes back on the president’s illegal actions on immigration. They made changes to that bill that we don’t like, and so the way Congress works is, when the House and Senate have a disagreement, you go to conference. So, Monday the Senate will actually be taking that vote.”

Scalise repeatedly stressed that the House forced the Senate to take up the House bill, and that the dispute should be settled in conference.

“Let’s go to conference and work out these differences, and finally put a check on this president that he himself said 22 different times, he doesn’t have the authority to write his own immigration policies. We’re going to keep fighting this battle,” he said.

Scalise said differences of opinion within his party over how to combat the president’s actions are over tactics rather than substance.

“We did pass a bill to keep this fight going through next week, and Monday is that vote… We forced a vote in the Senate,” Scalise said. “Obviously, our members have a lot of differences on how maybe we want to go about tactics, but our goal is the same. Our goal is to fight this president’s illegal actions on immigration.”

Scalise said that “anybody that disagrees with the president’s illegal action on immigration” should “light up the Senate switchboard between now and Monday” when the vote will occur.

Here’s how other members of Congress reacted on Twitter:

The President said 22 times that he did not have the authority to act unilaterally on #immigration. What changed? The #Constitution did not.

— Kevin McCarthy (@GOPLeader) March 1, 2015

Let’s go to Conference, because even Harry Reid said in 2013, that’s how we settle our differences. We avoided a cliff. They created one.

— Kevin McCarthy (@GOPLeader) March 1, 2015

We can’t govern in 3 week increments from shutdown to shutdown. It’s no way to run the govt. #DontShutDownOurSecurity http://t.co/BzdNJyih9L

— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) March 1, 2015